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Error 2343... again

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have seen many messages about the error 2343 in this forum, but there are no answer that solves my problem.

I get the 2343 error message before anything else happens.

When I start my package, it checks the OS version, configure the Windows Installer and when it says "Preparing to Install", it pops a "Internal Error 2343" message box with no further indication.

I've runned a Full MSI Validation and there are no errors in my project. And I cannot debug it because the error happens before the debug is initialized.

Does anyone knows why this error happens and how I could troubleshoot it?

(3) Replies
Have you tried creating a log file? Use the following command line:

msiexec /i /lv* "C:\Temp\Setup.txt"

Log file should have information about why the MSI package failed to install.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I've tried to log the installation but the MSI tells me that it cannot run without the Setup.Exe file. I've tried a few things but it won't build a MSI only installation.
What setup are trying run? Was this setup built with InstallShield? You can check the properties of the exe to determine this.

If this is a InstallShield MSi setup, you can try:

Setup /a

to create the an Administrative install.

Let me know whether this works for you.