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Device Driver Wizard limitations??

We have been "playing with" the Device Driver Wizard in AdminStudio 6. We have found the problems if one or more of the follwing is true:

  • The driver files (.dll, .exe, etc.) are NOT in the same directory as the INF
  • The driver files are in a compressed format (.dl_s), .ex_s, etc.)

Is this a limitation, and if so, will this be fixed in the next release? Are we missing something in our steps?

Any information, etc.. would be very helpful. Wanted to post something before I opened a support ticket.

Thanks! Jennifer
(2) Replies
I am also wondering about the limitation of having to have the .dll's uncompressed. It seems that we have to perform a manual installation of the drivers, find all the uncompressed dll, and then port them into the project to make it function.
Thank you for the information!
Who else? Microsoft. The Device Driver Wizard is only as good as Microsoft's Driver Install Dramework, so I think InstallShield did the best they could with what they were given.

Now, how to get it so there are no issues on a managed desktop...
