Level 5
since ‎Oct 14, 2002
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Hi...I am just starting to play with this and haven't gotten very far. Does anyone have any tips on getting started, best practices, etc.? (Beyond the user guide provided by Macrovision.) Also, for those of you who are using, what's your opinion?T...
Happy Monday everyone... I have loaded sp1 on a test device (W2K sp4), and have noticed a few kinks... Editor seems to hang at random, but it did enable me to create an install for DirectX9c using the object wizard which was a good thing.BUT... Wh...
Not really an AdminStudio question, but it's still MSI related...We have an issue where support will sometimes go directly to the MSI and doucble-click on it if they need to install it for whatever reason. With the increase number of transforms, the...
OK... all of my packagers currently use AdminStudio 5.01 with Developer 8 sp2 installed. I need to upgrade them to AdminStudio 6. Simple enough, right? Well, if I uninstall all of the MSIs which AS501 installed, and then install 6, whenever I lau...
Hi - When I upgrade to version 6 AdminStudio from version 5.01, ISMs are still associated with Developer 8 when you see them, and when you right click on them to OPen With. Has anyone else seen this? What's the easiest way to get rid of this and ch...
Online status:
‎Mar 18, 2019
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