scum73 wrote:
The AdminStudio PC has the VIX-API's installed. and can successfully wake up the VM's on my ESXi box to perform the automated tasks.
However, teh AAC console seems to get stuck at a "VirtualMachine: Logging in interactively" task. if i check the VM guest, it has booted and is sitting at the desktop with the "Automated Application Converter - Guest Agent" in a "Ready..." state.
Eventually the Console times out and i get the following errorL
"Error 4310 controlling virtual machine: Failed to connect to VM: 0x052e (LE:052e XE:0000 in CVirtualMachineController::COnnect:170)"
Does the VM guests require any additional AdminStudio features to be installed?
Any firewall ports required to be open?
As long as network discoverability and file sharing are enabled (should have been auto-enabled by VMCfg.exe) and the Windows Firewall and UAC were disabled (again, VMCfg.exe does this), you should be good. Make sure that you are able to reach the VM from your AdminStudio Client Tools machine: Open Explorer and go to the c$ share. Ex: \\My_AAC_VM\C$\
If that doesn't work, then you've got networking problems or perhaps policies are disabling something like network discoverability, etc. Or maybe the credentials you gave to the AAC Wizard (the one that you run through on the AdminStudio Client Tools machine) are incorrect. You may need to try domain\username in the username field (or machine name\username if the VM is not attached to the domain).
When the AAC's Guest Agent is speaking with the AdminStudio Client Tools machine, it will change the on-screen text from "Ready" to "Connected". If that never happens, then something is preventing them from talking.