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Active Directory Instructions

We have many customers who have a network and several PCs on the network but do not make use of a knowledgeable administrator to perform Admin duties such as creation of admin installation points and delivery of installations using Active Directory. These customers have requested from us instructions on the use of Active Directory or a tool that makes use of Active directory to allow pushing or pulling product installations to the PCs on the network. We do not have a problem writing up directions but our concern is that doing so make prompt writing up directions for other network installation tools. My question is does anyone else here have experienced this can you share what you did? I also welcome any comments on this issue from anyone of course whether you have experienced this or not.
(3) Replies
Wow, is that ever a loaded question. There are thousands and thousands of resources out on the net regarding active directory and intellimirror. I would suggest that these companies hire somebody because even if you wrote up some docs, they wouldn't understand them anyway.

You are asking for a quick answer on a huge topic. Sorry but I wouldn't even know where to start.
No need to apologize as your answer is what I expected. Thanks!
Microsoft has tons of white papers describing designing and implementing network infrastructures. Your customers either need to come up more $$$ for consulting services or they need to start digging into Technet/MSDN and start growing some inhouse capabilities.

If you have many customers that need this, then maybe you should consider offering these services. I don't like to use AD and Intellimirror though. SMS2003 is our tool of choice.