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How to package shortcuts?


I am finding AdminStudio 6 the hardest product to get shortcuts to a:/ install correctly and b:/ work

Here's what I do:

1. Run the 1st Snapshot.
2. Create a directory on C:\ with all of the files in it.
3. Create a directory on the All Users\Start Menu. Place 2 shortcuts in it which point to applications in the directory on C:\
4. Run the 2nd Snapshot and create the MSI

Before running the 2nd snapshot all of the shortcuts use the correct icons and they all work. After creating the MSI and running it, 2 shortcuts on the Start Menu show with a generic icon and point to C:\Windows\Installer\{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}.

Can anyone tell me how to get AdminStudio to package and use shortcuts properly?

(2) Replies
if you are just to create a shortcuts without any installation needed , u can just use the devstudio to do so .....
Do the shortcuts launch successfully? There isn't enough information on your shortcuts, you may want to search in AdminStudio forum for similar questions.

Advertised shortcut will have its target pointing to a file under C:\Windows\Installer\{GUID} folder.