Level 7
since ‎Apr 08, 2019
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User Statistics

  • 119 Posts
  • 9 Solutions
  • 26 Kudos given
  • 92 Kudos received

User Activity

Hi Everyone, its time to upgrade our Beacons to a more recent version ... we use the Flexera One environment -- North American Cloud. I have not upgraded for a while since I had to rebuild the Beacons from scratch due to an Operating System out of su...
Hi Everyone,  we have too many cooks in the Kitchen in terms of who can add users in our organization and as a result we have created quite a mess in terms of how things look. I am attempting to understand how best to clean this up. I understand abou...
Hi Everyone, we are considering leveraging the ability of the Flexera environment to track our Citrix environment. We use the Cloud instance of Flexera and have both flavors of the Citrix solutions, that being, XENAPP and XENDESKTOP. I have been doin...
Hello Everyone, I am looking for any suggestions on how to maybe resolve a current challenge that I am seeing with about 50 or so Inventory Devices which are identified as "Computer" as the Inventory Device Type but are showing a Serial number of "No...
Hi Everyone, I noticed a couple of weeks ago that in my UAT environment, our ndi files along with our Active Directory files are not being uploaded into the Cloud. I opened a ticket with Support and we are currently trouble shooting but as I understa...
Online status:
‎Oct 03, 2024
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