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.gz file upload is failing for Beacon-generated compressed files.
Bstat.gz and actdir.gz files (reporting Beacon Status and Active Directory inventory respectively) are generated on the Beacon, but do not leave Incoming\BeaconStatus and Incoming\ActiveDirectory
In the %TEMP%\Managesoft\Uploader.log for the account performing our upload, we note:
Uploading file 'x.actdir.gz' to '<Parent Beacon or Application Server URL>/ManageSoftRL/ActiveDirectory'
WARNING : Could not lock local file
Open the Windows Task Scheduler on your impacted Inventory Beacon
In the Task Scheduler, navigate to Task Scheduler Library > Flexera Inventory Beacon
Select the 'Upload Flexera logs and inventories' task
When the actdir/bstat files are generated, they are first placed into C:\Windows\Temp, and compressed in this location
Therefore, the compressed file may inherit C:\Windows\Temp's permissions - leading to issues when the Service Account (potentially without C:\Windows\Temp access) attempts to upload a file.
Ensure that the user account specified under 'use the following user account' has Full Control permissions to C:\Windows\Temp
Jul 06, 2020 03:55 AM
@jevans We've been plagued with uploader issues since beginning of July of this year.
We have a similar setup where the flexera service account is the author and the SYSTEM account is running the task of the "Upload Flexera Iogs and inventories." I checked user permissions in C:\Windows\Temp and both the System account and our service account have full permissions.
However our issue is mostly the ndi.gz files are not uploading to the flexera GUI. They are sitting idle in the Flexera Software\Incoming\Inventories folder and the folder has been growing bigger every day.
@justinwade4090 - Validate the below points if you see none of the ndi files are moving out from the beacon server.
- Are you seeing issues with the task scheduler jobs also failing with error?
- Logon to the batch processing server and launch the IIS manager. Check the authentication method for the site "ManageSoftRL" whether the Windows Authentication is enabled?