I have ugraded the every thing without any error.
I have enabled Microsoft task, started batch services and started IIS services. But page shows an error like "This page isn’t working"
Someone share your input to fix this issue. Thanks
‎Aug 27, 2021 10:05 AM
If some has any idea, please share your input to fix the issue.
‎Aug 27, 2021 11:15 AM
In the Resolution section of the KB article winvarma suggested, it mentions running the powershell script with the /upgradeconfig flag.
Have you run this as mentioned in the FNMS upgrade documentation?
The issue has been recorded in our system under IOJ-2128316 (FNMS-68929)
Note: Our current findings show that the Web.config has the referenced assemblies and the issue does not occur if the upgrade is run with the /updateconfig flag. Therefore this currently not being viewed as a defect. If you upgrade using /updateconfig and still see the issue, we suggest opening a support case and reference this article and we can investigate further.
‎Aug 27, 2021 01:54 PM
Not sure if the error is occuring while you are trying to launch the suite and if that's the case please refer to the below KB article and see if it works
‎Aug 27, 2021 01:30 PM
In addition to checking the webui.log as suggested in the article that @winvarma referred to, some other things to try which can sometimes give insight into this kind of error are:
‎Aug 31, 2021 12:07 AM
Hi Christ,
Thanks for an update.
we are receving the an error from the webui, which is not able to read the data through the file _BaseLayout.cshtml. Kindly find an error below
An unexpected error occurred (9b9bf74c-84ae-4a56-9299-a35eba6c2057)
System.Web.HttpCompileException (0x80004005): d:\Program Files (x86)\Flexera Software\FlexNet Manager Platform\WebUI\Views\Shared\Scaffolding\_BaseLayout.cshtml(39): error CS0121: The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: 'DevExpress.Web.Mvc.UI.HtmlHelperExtension.DevExpress<dynamic>(System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper<dynamic>)' and 'DevExpress.Web.Mvc.UI.HtmlHelperExtension.DevExpress<dynamic>(System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper<dynamic>)'
at System.Web.Compilation.AssemblyBuilder.Compile()
at System.Web.Compilation.BuildProvidersCompiler.PerformBuild()
‎Aug 31, 2021 01:16 AM
I've found one other report ~5 years ago of a similar error after doing an upgrade. I'm wondering if something happened on this server in the past which has resulted in old (obsolete) files being left in place after the upgrade.
First of all, if Windows Installer requested that a reboot of the application server be done after the upgrade, do ensure that the reboot has been completed.
Secondly, check in the d:\Program Files (x86)\Flexera Software\FlexNet Manager Platform\WebUI\bin directory for any files named DevExpress.Web.*.dll. You should not find multiple versions of similarly named files in there. If you find multiple versions of files in there that have the same name (differing only in the version number that appears in the filename) then that could cause an error like this.
‎Aug 31, 2021 01:28 AM
Hi Christ,
Yes, I have done reboot once installation is completed.
I have check the file version in the path d:\Program Files (x86)\Flexera Software\FlexNet Manager Platform\WebUI\bin, I could find only single version with different name.
for refer the listed files are shown below. Please share your suggestion to fix the issue.
‎Aug 31, 2021 01:49 AM
I'm thinking the error is almost certainly due to something that has been left on the server from the previous version that was installed, but I'm not sure what else to look at beyond these files sorry. Maybe some other people may have ideas, or if that doesn't help you may need some assistance from Flexera Support to dig deeper.
‎Aug 31, 2021 02:12 AM
I hit the same issue as above, in my case it was due to the older version not uninstalling. This I believe was due to a change in the path name to get under the powershell limit.
Due to this the installer couldn't find the old version. I removed the installation and re-run which fixed the issue
‎Nov 23, 2021 09:18 AM
I will suggest to run the PS1 script with this flag :
.\Config.ps1 "Config\FNMS Windows Authentication Config.xml" forceupdateconfig
You will enter all information needed to connect to the different central servers as web server and batch server.
I had the same issue on my UAT environment
‎Nov 24, 2021 07:56 AM