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Where are the views created in "management view index" stored in the database?


I am looking for the views that I have created in the "Management View Index" tab in Flexera Manager Suite. I wan't to automatically download the views in csv format from the database, periodically. Where is this information stored?



(4) Replies
By Level 7 Flexeran
Level 7 Flexeran

Hi Bleepie, I hope you're having a good week so far?
Thanks for reaching out on the Community.

I'd initially start referring to ComplianceSavedSearch.
This should have details of all Custom and out of the Box Reports, along with Saved Views, on the Compliance database.
You might need to filter by the ComplianceSearchFolderID for specifically the Saved Views though, there doesn't seem to be a clear differentiator between Searches/Reports and Views:

Best regards,

Hi Jack, I am doing fine! How about you?

I have found the table and one of the views that I have made. It seems the properties "SavedSearchLink" and "SavedSearchFilter" are used withing the GUI to tell FNMS what the View should show.

I was wondering, if I can use the data in ComplianceSavedSearch from the database to query the database to show me the data that the view itself shows? 

What we need eventually is some kind of script that gets the data from the view, saves it to a .csv file and place it somewhere on the db server. The client can then retrieve the file. We do not want to give the Client access to FNMS GUI so this is some kind of workaround.

The first thing that I can think of is a (Powershell) script to fetch the data from ComplianceSavedSearch table using a SQL query, then filter the data from "SavedSearchFilter" and use that data to create a new SQL query to fetch the actual computer data from whatever table the data is in. But maybe there is another, easier, faster or already existing way of doing this?

The ComplianceSavedSearch view is a good place to look in the database for details about saved custom reports. However this won't help with saved management views.

There is no straightforward way to generically automate the execution of management views. The data shown in management views (*) come from various database views and stored procedures (generally each management view will have a separate view or stored procedure associated with it), possibly with further data transformation done in code for presentation in the web UI. For example, data shown in the All Assets grid and managed views saved from it comes from the Grid_Assets database view.

In most instances, if you are wanting to extract data from the database you are probably going to have a smoother run if you write direct queries to get the data you want from the underlying views/tables, and not try to reverse engineer the code that is used to extract data shown in management views in the web UI.

(*) What I've described above applies to most management views, but it is quite possible there will be some exceptions where this approach is different.
(Did my reply solve the question? Click "ACCEPT AS SOLUTION" to help others find answers faster. Liked something? Click "KUDO". Anything expressed here is my own view and not necessarily that of my employer, Flexera.)

Hi Bleepie,

The views displayed in the "Management View Index" tab in Flexera Manager Suite UI are stored in the [ComplianceSavedSearch_MT] table in the [FNMSCompliance] database.

The [ComplianceSavedSearch_MT] table will generally be accessed using the [ComplianceSavedSearch] view

This table stores both FNMS reports (visible in the 'Reports' area in FNMS) as well as 'Managed Views' that you create by using the 'Save as' link on a view in the FNMS UI.

For 'Managed Views', the [SavedSearchLink] column will contain the URL of the original view the 'Managed View' is based on, the [SavedSearchFilter] column contains information about the layout of the saved view, as well as any filters (if applicable).

Downlading from the database using these views is not an easy task. Most likely, it will be easier to use the underlying SQL views or stored procedures.