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VM Ware Device Managment of Pooled Devices

Suggest the best Practice for the VM ware Devices. how to fetch and manage the pooled devices and Agent Mangement and configuration to Becon Server.

(2) Replies


Please could you elaborate a bit more on your use cases and related questions? (I found it difficult to understand which type(s) of devices (servers, virtual desktops, etc.) you had in mind when asking...)

Generically VMware inventory collection plus some kind of inventory from the devices will be required, but again I think more details will be needed for the forum members to provide guidance...


@JohnSorensenDK ALL VM ware Devices (Includes all Servers, Virtual desktops Etc,).as per normal process like deployment of agent and managing config file to beacon. we are able to capture only few Devices in the inventory. most of the devices are not able to be fetching in the ALL-inventory list. So, need a good Process to implement the VM Devices For pooled and Master imaged Devices.