Hello I have two questions regarding a One-Off upload (inventory) in FNMS when trying to upload Computer data:
ComputerID is the first field in the Computer template. If this is empty, the upload fails. We intend to let users upload their data by One-Off upload them selves. They don't have access or knowledge about the database. In the database the Primary key of the ComplianceComputer_MT table is what I believe what references the ComputerID in the template. If users don't know about what Primary keys are already used, they might choose a ComputerID that already exists and therefore the data upload will fail. Is this evaluation of mine correct? Or does it not matter what is in the ComputerID field in the template?
I also noticed that when I run a One-Off upload, a reconcile automatically starts. Does this reconcile only reconcile my One-Off upload data, or does this reconcile do a full reconcile?
‎Sep 08, 2023 02:28 AM
The ComputerID value in the Computer template is not related to any values in the ComplianceComputer_MT table in the compliance database. Each ComputerID value should be unique numeric identifier for a computer, and should not change for that computer from one import to the next.
The behavior of the reconcile process starting after doing an upload may be associated with the following issue: Known Issue: Inventory import writers are executed every time inventory data is uploaded from a beacon (IOK-1004611)
I'm not 100% sure about that though: the scenario discussed in the article not an exact match to your scenario, but the behavior you're seeing may have the same underlying root cause.
‎Sep 08, 2023 03:49 AM
So the ComputerID in the template, what is it used for and where is it saved?
‎Sep 11, 2023 02:06 AM
The ComputerID values in the template are used to uniquely identify each computer record in the template data.
I can't think of anywhere that these values are exposed/visible within the UI or reports. However if you look in the compliance database then I think you will find these values in the ImportedComputer.ExternalID column once the file has been imported.
‎Sep 11, 2023 02:40 AM