Is it possible to change the usage setting for every application to 120 instead of 90 days (default). I know you can for an individual application but I want to change the definition of usage across the board
Jan 14, 2021 10:57 AM
A procedure for doing this with FlexNet Manager Suite On-premises would be:
UPDATE SoftwareTitleEx_MT SET UsagePeriod = 4 -- Update usage period for reference ARL applications (months)
UPDATE SoftwareTitle_MT SET UsagePeriod = 4 -- Update usage period for local applications (months)
Note that the 1st query above will need to be re-executed after any ARL update if you want the 4 month period to apply to new applications added to the ARL in that update.
Note that usage data from more than 3 months ago are ignored if inventory readers are run in "disconnected" mode - that is, from a beacon (which is always the case with FlexNet Manager Suite Cloud). You can only have a usage period longer than 3 months if your inventory readers are run in "connected" mode - that is, on the batch server of a FlexNet Manager Suite On-premises installations.
Jan 14, 2021 08:19 PM
Hi Chris,
Does this mean the usage period changes made in the Web UI are also reset by ARL updates?
Best regards,
Jan 15, 2021 01:41 AM
No - the usage period on existing applications should not be updated when an ARL update is applied. However new applications which are created when an ARL update is applied will get a default usage period of 3 months so those records will need to be changed to (in this example) 4 months after applying the ARL update.
Jan 15, 2021 04:23 AM