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Problem with exporting purchases with custom fields


I receive following unexpected error while exporting purchases to XLSX or CSV from Flexnet Management Suite :

Error ID: c0e8e409-74f7-494e-9717-724bdd79abcb

Anyone who knows what this error message means and how to resolve it?

Thx, Bart


(3) Replies


Id start with checking webui.log located in C:\ProgramData\Flexera Software\Compliance\Logging\WebUI folder (default location) to see if any further information can be found there. 


one addition: use the error id (c0e8e409-74f7-494e-9717-724bdd79abcb) in the log file to find the issue much faster 🙂


I think that you may have to contact Flexera Support to get some assistance troubleshooting the specific issue you're having.

And please share its resolution if you think that other forum members may benefit from it.
