We have a deployed agent on a few MAC's. inventory reported is good. But we are not getting any software usage or software metering data. I would at least expect to see something reported on Safari since its used almost 100% of the time. My due diligence has pointed me to the following
https://docs.flexera.com/fnms/EN/GatherFNInv/index.html#SysRef/FlexNetInventoryAgent/tasks/FA3-InstallUNIX.html complex and I found references to deploying but nothing about MAC OS metering. There are references to editing the Config.ini file but only generally how to edit, no info on edit as it pertains to targeting software usage.
this question was asked and answered with https://community.flexera.com/t5/FlexNet-Manager-Blog/Application-usage-metering-using-the-FlexNet-inventory-agent/ba-p/146015
which has an entry "On Unix-like operating systems, usage can be metered for any process that is running an executable included in the list of files installed by the native packaging technology for the operating system (RPM for Linux, llp for AIX, etc.)"
wow, what a great answer that is. well still dont have any, zip zero software usage data.
We even set up a targeted inventory for those machines.
has anyone had any success with usage on MAC? did anything special?
Jan 13, 2022 01:05 PM
We run a post-installation script on our MAC
CURRENT_USER=`/bin/ls -l /dev/console | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }'`
/bin/cat <<EOF > /var/tmp/tempconfig.ini
[ManageSoft\Usage Agent\CurrentVersion]
/opt/managesoft/bin/mgsconfig -i /var/tmp/tempconfig.ini
Jan 14, 2022 09:25 AM
We run a post-installation script on our MAC
CURRENT_USER=`/bin/ls -l /dev/console | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }'`
/bin/cat <<EOF > /var/tmp/tempconfig.ini
[ManageSoft\Usage Agent\CurrentVersion]
/opt/managesoft/bin/mgsconfig -i /var/tmp/tempconfig.ini
Jan 14, 2022 09:25 AM
follow up question if possible. any way to just include this as part of the deployment file?
Jan 21, 2022 09:05 AM
The settings that @mag00_75 has noted cannot be set using the mgsft_rollout_response file. Configuring them using a post-installation script like described is the typical approach I've seen for doing installation-time setup.
Jan 25, 2022 01:20 AM
is this still the case or has this been updated in the newer releases? also is this the same with unix and linux or just Mac?
Jul 11, 2023 01:38 PM
@joshua_neadow - the notes in my previous post apply to all FlexNet inventory agent releases on all Unix-like operating systems (MacOS, Linux, etc).
The approach described by @mag00_75 of running /opt/managesoft/bin/mgsconfig is the normal approach to apply general agent configuration settings on these operating systems.
Jul 11, 2023 11:34 PM - edited Jul 11, 2023 11:36 PM
is this not something we can do in the webui under discovery and inventory rules?
Jul 12, 2023 08:58 AM
Yes, usage gathering can also be enabled through a target configured in the Discovery and Inventory rules area of the UI:
With that said, be aware the UI can only be used to configure some agent settings. For example, the post-installation script given as an example earlier in this thread illustrations the configuration of StartupDelay and LowProfile settings that can't be managed through the UI.
Jul 12, 2023 07:19 PM
ok perfect. one more question i swear. If we already have the agent running as low profile in the config for the agent itself,... does the usage agent operate the same or does it have to be set for each individual child agent as well?
Jul 13, 2023 08:25 AM
I believe usage component processes do run with a low priority (i.e. LowProfile=true) by default, just like the inventory component processes.
You can configure the LowProfile preference setting for each component individually (for example, if you wanted to override the default and run one of these components with higher priority) - but that would be a very unusual thing to do.
Jul 25, 2023 09:44 PM