I have a use case where a client is consolidating Two FNMS systems into a single instance. The plan is to have purchases and contracts from the smaller instance and create new licenses in the bigger instance. We have a need to apply license restrictions to separate consumption. For the existing licenses in the bigger (already established) instance, I have the need to set the proper business unit on the restrictions tab. So, I noticed business adapter studio doesn't have fields to set restrictions. If I try to associate the correct enterprise groupID and update the back end table for all the pre-existing licenses in the bigger instance, are there implications that I should be aware of, or is this safe to do?
Sep 10, 2021 11:56 AM
Like always, better have a backup done before messing with the database. Other than that it should be rather straight forward. The table for restrictions should be SoftwareLicenseScoping_MT. Be aware that the reference to GroupEx is done on the GrouExID, not GroupID.
Best regards,
Sep 14, 2021 03:13 AM