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How does FNMS capture all the Users?

Hi, Recently we installed a FNMS Cloud for a customer. We were able to see a lot of users (AD Users) at the Users page. But we have not setup any connector to AD. How does this works?



(6) Replies
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

If you have not configured a direct connection to AD then it is likely that the user records you are seeing have come from data held in an inventory source (such as SCCM) that FlexNet has been connected to.

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Usually that would be the case, but in this scenario, we only have a few agents install. If the users were to come from SCCM then the source will be SMS or SCCM, this case it only shows FNMS



That's what I would advise if you were on prem: To narrow down the data source, you could check the "ImportedUser" table and see if they are referenced there.

USE FNMSCompliance

FROM ImportedUser iu
JOIN ComplianceConnection cc
	ON iu.ComplianceConnectionID =  cc.ComplianceConnectionID

I am not sure how to  proceed in the cloud.

Best regards,


Hi, have you check the AD task on the beacon server? Is your beacon server a member of the AD? Regards
Hi, I believe the beacon is joined to the AD.
Hi, have you checked the FlexNet Manager Suite Online Help? e.g. .../Suite/Help/webhelp/index.html#topics/ActiveDirectoryTab.html .../Suite/Help/webhelp/index.html#tasks/ImportingFromActiveDirectory.html