I got a question from the "upgrade" team.
They would like a list of all devices that have the evidence version of VIsual Studio 2019 Professional that is lower than 16.11 (so that they can see what devices needs an update).
Is it possible to create a report in this level in FNMS? The ones I have created stops at application level (since that is the most common type of reports).
(Today we are solving it by creating a report for the application and then manually look through all the devices what version they are on)
Dec 27, 2021 08:41 AM
You can create a new application VS2019old and associate relevant evidences.
If Flexera'evidences are not enough precise, you can create your own evidences, based on the "raw" evidences you see at each device.
Then just wait for next reconciliation.
Dec 27, 2021 09:11 AM
You can create a new application VS2019old and associate relevant evidences.
If Flexera'evidences are not enough precise, you can create your own evidences, based on the "raw" evidences you see at each device.
Then just wait for next reconciliation.
Dec 27, 2021 09:11 AM
Yeah - the SQL for retrieving the 'Raw Evidence' for applications from the [FNMSCompliance] becomes a little involved though.
As you can see in the SQL code below, you have join multiple tables for finally linking inventories ([ComplianceComputer]) with the raw evidence data imported from your Inventory source ([ImportedInstallerEvidence]).
The original version of each application will be listed in the [VersionRaw] column. You can use the 'Application' and 'VersionRaw' columns for filtering.
Without any filtering and with a large number of inventories, performance of this SQL query most likely will become a concern.
;WITH cteImportedComputer
ComplianceComputerID, ComplianceConnectionID, ExternalID, RowNum
) AS
/* Retrieve the latest [ImportedComputer] */
, ic.ComplianceConnectionID
, ic.ExternalID
(PARTITION BY ic.ComplianceConnectionID, ic.ComplianceComputerID
ORDER BY ic.InventoryDate DESC) AS RowNum
FROM ImportedComputer ic
, SoftwareTitleID
, InstallerEvidenceID
, ComplianceConnectionID
, ExternalInstallerID
, RowNum
) AS
/* Retrieve only the latest Installer Evidence */
, stie.SoftwareTitleID
, stie.InstallerEvidenceID
, cis.ComplianceConnectionID
, iiem.ExternalInstallerID
(PARTITION BY ComplianceComputerID, stie.SoftwareTitleID
ORDER BY iiie.InstallDate DESC) AS RowNum
FROM dbo.SoftwareTitleInstallerEvidence stie
JOIN cteImportedComputer cis
ON cis.ComplianceComputerID = ComplianceComputerID
AND cis.RowNum = 1
JOIN dbo.ImportedInstallerEvidenceMapping iiem
ON iiem.InstallerEvidenceID = stie.InstallerEvidenceID
AND iiem.ComplianceConnectionID = cis.ComplianceConnectionID
JOIN dbo.ImportedInstalledInstallerEvidence iiie
ON iiie.ComplianceConnectionID = cis.ComplianceConnectionID
AND iiie.ExternalInstallerEvidenceID = iiem.ExternalInstallerID
AND iiie.ExternalComputerID = cis.ExternalID
stie.SoftwareTitleID = SoftwareTitleID
, SoftwareTitleID
, InstallerEvidenceID
, DisplayName
, [Version]
) AS
, cel.SoftwareTitleID
, cel.InstallerEvidenceID
, iie.DisplayName
, iie.[Version]
FROM cteEvidenceLatest cel
JOIN dbo.ImportedInstallerEvidence iie
ON iie.ComplianceConnectionID = cel.ComplianceConnectionID
AND iie.ExternalInstallerID = cel.ExternalInstallerID
cel.RowNum = 1
, isd.InstalledSoftwareID
, isd.InstallDate AS InstallDate
, st.Fullname AS [Application]
, stpro.ProductName AS ProductName
, stv.VersionName AS [Version]
, stpub.PublisherName AS PublisherName
, isd.DiscoveryDate AS DiscoveryDate
, cc.InventoryDate AS InventoryDate
, stc.DefaultValue AS [Classification]
, ste.EditionName AS Edition
, cse.DisplayName AS DisplayName
, cse.Version AS VersionRaw
FROM dbo.InstalledSoftwareData isd
LEFT JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitle st
ON isd.SoftwareTitleID = st.SoftwareTitleID
LEFT JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitleProduct stpro
ON st.SoftwareTitleProductID = stpro.SoftwareTitleProductID
LEFT JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitlePublisher stpub
ON stpro.SoftwareTitlePublisherID = stpub.SoftwareTitlePublisherID
LEFT JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitleVersion stv
ON st.SoftwareTitleVersionID = stv.SoftwareTitleVersionID
LEFT JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitleEdition ste
ON st.SoftwareTitleEditionID = ste.SoftwareTitleEditionID
LEFT JOIN dbo.SoftwareTitleClassificationI18N stc
ON st.SoftwareTitleClassificationID = stc.SoftwareTitleClassificationID
LEFT JOIN dbo.ComplianceComputer cc
ON cc.ComplianceComputerID = isd.ComplianceComputerID
LEFT JOIN cteSoftwareEvidence cse
ON cse.ComplianceComputerID = isd.ComplianceComputerID
AND cse.SoftwareTitleID = isd.SoftwareTitleID
Dec 27, 2021 04:51 PM
There's an idea to expose evidence data to the report builder by default, please consider voting for it: https://flexerasfdc.ideas.aha.io/ideas/ITAM-I-177
Jan 03, 2022 07:03 AM