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Intermittent Latency when Logging Into the Flexera User Console

Has anyone experiencing intermittent latency when trying to login into Flexera User Console?  Basically when trying to login to the User Console, more often than not, it may take between 2-4 minutes to up to 15 minutes to log you in.  This behavior is not consist and we have not found a pattern to this behavior.  We are running Data Platform version 5.5.53.  We are hosting Data Platform and User Console on two separate servers.  The BDNA Database and BDBN Publish databases are installed on SQL 2016 cluster, however clustering is not turned on.  The problem happens to remote as well as to on-prem users.  Problem also happens regardless of what browser we're using.  I appreciate any feedback.



(3) Replies
By Community Manager Community Manager
Community Manager

I can't say I've heard of particular problems like this, but I wonder whether you may see anything appearing in Data Platform logs when a login delay like this occurs. Do your logs show any activity with timestamps around the start or end of login operations that take a long time?

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By Level 7 Flexeran
Level 7 Flexeran

Are you using LDAP or WA? If LDAP, optimizing the query of the LDAP search filters might help to reduce the latency. 

Increasing the allocated RAM accordingly in the User Console configuration wizard might also help with this issue.