WD_WebPackages table
‎Feb 15, 2023 02:41 PM
WD_WebPackages table
‎Feb 15, 2023 02:41 PM
the following is the enum mapping for package type:
Software = 0,
General = 1,
Group = 3,
TaskSequence = 4,
CM7VirtualApp = 7,
SoftwareCM12Application = 15,
AltirisApplication = 18,
AirwatchAndroid = 19,
AirwatchiOS = 20,
AirwatchiPad = 21,
AirwatchWindows = 22,
AirwatchWindows8 = 23,
CasperPackage = 25,
MobileIron = 27,
Intune = 28,
IntuneMobile = 29
‎Feb 16, 2023 08:29 AM
Thank, Charlie. So then there must be some additional logic that maps these values to "Application", "Package", "General" (are there others?) within that All Catalog Items view. Are you able to look at the code for that column of the view and decipher the logic being used for the mapping?
‎Feb 16, 2023 09:39 AM