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Activate catalog items in ServiceNow in bulk

Is there a way to bulk activate catalog items in ServiceNow by utilizing App Broker?

(1) Reply

Can you provide more details about your scenario?  By default, the App Broker integration with ServiceNow has the "active" field hard-coded as "false" under ITSM integration.  You could change that configuration to be "true" if you want all synced catalog items to be active.  You could also change that configuration to be ##PackageVisible## if you want it to be dynamic based on whether the catalog item is enabled in App Broker or not.  You'll want to make sure that you update that value in both the Create and Update ITSM operations.  Finally, to sync any changes to ServiceNow, App Broker has to see an UpdatedOn value (in WD_WebPackages) that is more recent than the last time the catalog item was synced with ServiceNow (tracked in WD_Package_SNCatalog).

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