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AdminStudio Forum

Forum Posts

"Repackager has stopped working" - Windows 8.1

I am trying to repackage an application using a clean Windows 8.1 client with remote repackager but after it starts reading windows sxs it just crashes with the message "repackager has stopped working"Looking at the event logs shows the following:Fau...

Repackager -buildonly option doesn't work?

I'm running Admin Studio 2013 R2 Repackager remotely. I'm trying to get it to skip the installation monitoring step and just build the ism and msi. My command line is:\\Server\RepkgShare$\repack.exe -b "path where ism should be created" -o "path to ....

RobFlum by Level 3
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WiseScript Package Editor

Downloaded AdminStudio 2013 21-day trial, and the "WiseScript Package Editor.msi". When I attempt to install WiseScript Package Eidtor, it says I need to have Admin Studio installed.Questions:1) Does the WiseScript Package Editor work with AdminStu...

Workflow Manager 2013 R2 Install on Server 2012 R2

Wondering if anyone has seen this issue before. I'm trying to install AES in my lab which has a separate DC. Both the DC and app server are 2012 R2 and I get to the step that asks for a domain account and I get the following error: I feel that it has...

dbaldwin by Level 3
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Problems building packake - error in nir file

I have an installation of Admin Studio 10 and have a new problem. After capturing an installation - either monitoring or snaphsot, I cannot build it - it tells me in 5 log lines that it cannot continue due to an "Unrecognized line in .nir file: I h...

Can't Activate AdminStudio Enterprise Server

I've followed the instructions in the manual. I'm logged in with the default Super User account. I input the user that I would like to use, the password and domain. I enter my activation serial but the "Update" button at the bottom is disabled. H...

Testing for Conflicts Between Packages 2013

Hi,can someone please tell me how to select source packages for conflict testing in AS 2013?According to the help manual I should"In the Application Manager tree, select the source package (or group of packages) that you want to test and click the Co...