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AdminStudio Forum

Forum Posts

Invalid language.

I have bought the language pack, installed it (although it doesn't seem to work properly as all dialogs even under german are in english...) and now when i repack a program under nt4 german i always get the unsupported language message. I know about ...

Conflict Solver?!?!?

I just started using conflict solver to resolve issues with my packages. I have a few questions as to how I resolve some of the issues I have run into. EXACTLY, how do I fix the following:ACE08" The file version '6.0.8665.0' of file 'mfc42.dll' in ...

BCM4309 by Level 8
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Conflict Solver?!?!?

Has anyone noticed when you generate a report in Conflict Solver a number of the issues lister dont reference the package with the issue. I generated ten reports and all of them, in each issue are missing the first package. Yeah I can figure it out...

BCM4309 by Level 8
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.ISM files ??

Using the Developer within the Admin Studio I loaded up an existing MSI file, made 2 changes to the file (in the properties) and saved it. It was saved as an .ISM file.How do I install this file? I need to install the original MSI and the changes I...

CChong by Level 11 Flexeran
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Custom Action VB Script...

I get an error stating 'loop' without 'do'. What is wrong with this? Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")CfgPath = Session.Property("SystemFolder") & "drivers\etc\services"CfgTmp = "C:\Winnt\System32\Drivers\Etc\services.tmp"Set Fin ...

BCM4309 by Level 8
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Tuner Issues

I have a MSI that I loaded up into my Tuner. I then set a path to the MST file and picked CREATE RESPONSE TRANSFORMIt ran my MSI and I answered all of my windows (next, ok, next etc......)I then made 1 registry change and saved it.I then ran the fil...

CChong by Level 11 Flexeran
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Language packs

I just bought the Western language pack thing for my admin studio because i need to repack german software.I open the project, convert it in the wizard, double click the ism and always still...NO LANGUAGE SUPPORT?????????????? whats this then?and b...


Yes, what you said should work. And it does not have to be Palm Pilot 4.1, it can be any MSI that prompts the user for there name.But what Palm does is it creates a folder called c:\program files\%username%\............. So you have to have the use...

CChong by Level 11 Flexeran
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Packaging VNC Client

Hi, I get an error Mapping NT services from registry information to the ServiceInstall and ServiceControl tables *** Error: COM Error #0x800403eeHow do I fix this?Clive

CChong by Level 11 Flexeran
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File Permissions problem

I am using AdminStudio Pro 3.5 to repackage applications for delivery to Windows XP clients from a Windows 2000 Active Directory.I have an app that was supplied with an .msi file and I have used Tuner to create a transform for this .msi. Included in...

CChong by Level 11 Flexeran
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