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Conflict Solver?!?!?

Has anyone noticed when you generate a report in Conflict Solver a number of the issues lister dont reference the package with the issue. I generated ten reports and all of them, in each issue are missing the first package. Yeah I can figure it out but it should be there considering its there for some of them. It looks like a bug in Conflict Solver it seems to be fine with the shorter issues but when you get to really long registry entries it drops the reference package name.

(1) Reply
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

ConflictSolver uses CrystalReports to generate all of it's reports. It is likely that for certain entries the amount of text displayed exceeds the space allotted in the report and thus, you see the data being clipped.

If you are familar with CrystalReports, then you could conceivably edit the RPT files yourself. However, our uncoming release of AdminStudio will contain a variety of new and modified reports and as such, the problem could effectively be fixed at that time.

Allen Saxton
AdminStudio Development