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Suppress the reboot Microsoft .Net Framework_V 4.0

HI guys,

Am new to this repackaging.

I have a requierment from my client.After installing the Microsoft .Net Framework_V 4.0 the installer will promot a question to reboot the OS.

But clinet doesnt required this option. After installing the Microsoft .Net Framework_V 4.0 he need to continue as useual.

Does any dones this before please let me know

Thanks in advance,
(1) Reply
Hi Reddy,

What's the commandline you're using for .net 4.0? I would recommend adding /norestart to this.

But, be aware, there is a case where this might be required, if something is locking mscoree.dll. If after the .net 4 setup finishes, and mscoree.dll under System32 is not updated to 4.x, then a reboot is required.

The way to fix this issue is to identify using Process Explorer what process is locking this file prior to running the .net 4 install. By ensuring this is shut down, you can best ensure that a reboot won't be needed even when the prompt is suppressed.

Hope this helps!

