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Store CA return in AdminStudio 7.5

I have a parent application that launches several child msi's. I want to set the return code to Sync (ignore) but I want to know if any of the children returned a non-zero so that I can pop up a window at the end of the install. I'm still new to studio so I can't figure how to get the return code stored so I can use it in a CA at the end.
(2) Replies
You might want to post this in the Installshield 11 or 12 forum as this isn't really an AdminStudio question and those forums have a lot more traffic.
What is the parent application? Another MSI installation? If so, you should note that nested installation is a deprecated feature in Windows Installer. For info, please read up on Concurrent Installations.
bpacilio wrote:
I have a parent application that launches several child msi's. I want to set the return code to Sync (ignore) but I want to know if any of the children returned a non-zero so that I can pop up a window at the end of the install. I'm still new to studio so I can't figure how to get the return code stored so I can use it in a CA at the end.