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Repacking Adobe PageMaker 7.01

Has anyone successfully repackaged Adobe PageMaker 7.01???

(10) Replies
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I am also having trouble repackaging Pagemaker 7.0. It looks like the registration information is not being caried over. When the program launches the top corner of the splash screen says something to the effect of "please reinstall program to customize". The program opens, but you can't click on anything or even close the program. I am using Admin Studio 5.0.
I am having a very similar error, only Pagemaker launches the Adobe Web Registration in a browser.

I do not know how to resolve this issue. I guess we are the only two people who have users that use this product, so we many never have a solution. I have tried just about everything I can think of to fix this problem.

What is interesting, if you manually install the application over the top of the MSI installation, it works. But when you look at the activity that happened during the re-installation, there isn't anything that isn't being done by the MSI.

Stupid Adobe Software...
I'm about to begin repackaging Pagemaker myself! I'll let you know my results...

If manually installing the application over the top of the MSI installation works, then I suggest that you repackage the MSI install on the same machine. The resultant repackaged package will contain only the differences which might contain registation information and other misc entities. By excluding those misc entries( e.g. MSI entities) you will know what registation entries were missed out in the original MSI package.
I'm not sure what OS you're working on, but you might want to try a tried-and-true MS Sysdiff. This way you'll be able to look thru the dump to see exactly what changed and make that change manually in your pack. If reinstalling over the repackaged MSI does the trick then it is obviously doing something. I would venture to say there's some registry change happening.

If it's XP, don't even bother. :mad:

I hope this helps.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

I have the same problem as you guys,

The difference, I also added Distiller 5.0 in my package.
Distiller is working, when I launch pagemaker, i have "Please reinstall ..."

I tried by two ways.

I activated the options for all the users, it's not working.
I also tried to add the registry entries after, also not working.

If someone finds the solution, please let me also know

Thanks in advance

It was repackaged by my colleague a while ago. He used installation monitoring to create the package and then imported registry entries from HKLM\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AdobePageMaker 7.0. The entries contain the registration information.

You can also change the permissions for the PageMaker 7.0 program folder to allow regular users to run the program.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Originally posted by nicholas_ong
It was repackaged by my colleague a while ago. He used installation monitoring to create the package and then imported registry entries from HKLM\SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\AdobePageMaker 7.0. The entries contain the registration information.

You can also change the permissions for the PageMaker 7.0 program folder to allow regular users to run the program.

This did the trick.:D Thanks for the help.
It worked for me too! Thank you very much!
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
It worked for me too.

Thanks for your help
