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Repackaging MS Office 2007 Professional


I have an application Repackaging issue and I would really appreciate any help on this.
I repackaged Office 2007 Pro using Admin studio Repackager utility by Installation monitoring menthod. and created a build.

when the deploy this package to the client machine it completes the installation. But when I to open Word or excel or any other office application, they fail to open with the error popup.

"Microsoft Office Word has not been installed for the current user. Please run setup to install the application"

Honestly, I have no clue on how to move further. Any pointers would be very helpful.

(5) Replies
Software already packaged using Windows Installer shouldn't be repackaged; instead, creating a Windows Installer transform is the preferred technique, to avoid the issue you noticed (along with others). If you haven't yet, you might look in to using the Office 2007 customization tool.
Thank You.
I am new to admin studio and didn't know that it is not recommended to repackage Office (MSI).
I am using AD software installation group policy to push software so office customization tool is not an option for me.
The other way I am trying is by editing config.xml file but it is not working well. Anyways, I appreciate your response.
You should check Office website aboud deployment of office 2007, it is defferent thatn office 2003. Forget about repacking it, you should just user msp file to configure.
Anther option is to make use of the office toolkit