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Strange Error 1324 on German Install

Hi all...

I am trying to debug the German language version of one of our installers, but the error message does not seem to be telling me much:

SI (s) (60:F0) [15:07:44:475]: Transforming table Error.

Aktion gestartet 15:07:44: CostFinalize.
MSI (s) (60:F0) [15:07:44:475]: Transforming table Error.

MSI (s) (60:F0) [15:07:44:475]: Produkt: Workshare Protect Enterprise Designer -- Fehler 1324. Der Ordnerpfad ' ' enthält ein ungültiges Zeichen.

Fehler 1324. Der Ordnerpfad ' ' enthält ein ungültiges Zeichen.
Aktion beendet 15:07:44: CostFinalize. Rückgabewert 3.
Aktion beendet 15:07:44: INSTALL. Rückgabewert 3.

When I run the MSI with full UI the error message contains a strange block character in the quotes.

Any ideas?

(1) Reply
OK I figured it out.

There were some "garbage" characters in the WiseLangString table (I was using Package Studio) besides several entries from the File table.