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Product Condition Builder

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have just started using the product and need to figure out how to test for all prerequisites (Operating System, Disk Space, Browser version, other prerequisite software - Registry entry, etc.) before the install starts. I also need to create an audit log of error events on a network share. I am currently providing this functionality using VB Scripts. However, using Group Policies to deploy software only allows me to provide an MSI package and one or more Tramsforms (MST) to modify the behavior of the MSI.

What's the best way to do this?


(3) Replies
In order to put launch conditions on your install, you will need to open your project's .ism file in DevStudio. Here, under the Installation Designer, go to the General Information > Product Properties view in the IDE. From here you can edit the Install Condition property to put installation conditions on your setup.

If you want to check the OS, you can use the VersionNT and Version9x properties.

If you want to check the version of Explorer, you can use the System Search wizard to search the registry for the registry key

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer and the Registry value of 'Version'. You can then use the property the system search sets as a condition.

For disk space, you will need to write a custom action to handle this, as there is nothing built into MSI that can handle this.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
This is good info. I will look into it.

Is there a way to have a VBScript executed to perform some of these types of functions? We also have a need to create an audit log on a network share so a network support person can check to see who is having a problem installing a piece of software and what the error was. We do it now with VBSscripts.
VBScript code can be executed through an installation through a custom action. This is found under Behavior and Logic ---> Custom Actions. You have the option to add the code to the custom action directly or use a vbs file.