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OS Snapshot Import - ERROR: OS Snapshot import failed - Application Catalog

I've successfully imported a number of MSI packages into the Application Catalog with Application Manager. However when I try to import an OS snapshot via the environment tab I receive an error in the output pane after I click finish, stating ERROR: OS snapshot import failed (see attachment).

I looked in ISCMIDE.LOG and there are a couple of lines of interest

11:05:12 0 Debug: CDBConnection::SetLastError 80040E07: The statement has been terminated.
11:05:12 3 Debug: CSoftRepProp::CSoftRepProp - Destructor Called
11:05:12 0 Debug: ERROR: OS snapshot import failed.

Does anyone know how to go about troubleshooting this?

(3) Replies
This worked for me... try changing your data format temporarily to US date, mm/dd/yy. on your local maschine from where your are performing the import.


Jørn Laursen
Hi Jørn,

Sorry for the delay in responding, only just realised someone had posted a reply. I tried your suggestion and it working. A great workaround, just need a permanent solution now.


What is the version of AdminStudio you are using?

I know that there have been some country / locale issues with SQL support.