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Multiple instances of a same name file...

I have a project which installs a seperate version of a file depending on whether office 97, 2k or XP is found. The problem is that it is irrelevant which version is found, The ppa file always goes into INSTALLDIR..when I compile the Program:

ISDEV : warning -5061: The filename "\\isw6\isp-soft-all\WIP\Brandic\Output\Brandic\Product Configuration 1\Release 1\DiskImages\DISK1\program files\Brandic\Brandic.ppa" already exists. Use the component's Source Location property to prevent this error.
ISDEV : warning -5061: The filename "\\isw6\isp-soft-all\WIP\Brandic\Output\Brandic\Product Configuration 1\Release 1\DiskImages\DISK1\program files\Brandic\Brandic.ppa" already exists. Use the component's Source Location property to prevent this error.
Files built

This means I have only the first veriosn can I do this?
(1) Reply
ahaaa Source Location...