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Mapped Network drives

I have an MSI that installs zipmail, an addon for lotus notes. In our network the users have their personal data on the network, including the notes.ini file. I have to make seveeral entries in this. I have created the package so that it searches for the INI file in the network drive, if it is not found it writes to the 😧 drive and this works fine. However when it finds the file on the H: drive, it fails bcause it cannot write to the INI file. I assume this is because the MSI is running under NTAuthority and has no write access to the File. Is there a way to get around this? I am wondering about a subst command and then writing on the subst drives and then removing afterward? is there a better soloution?
(1) Reply
There isn't enough detailed information surrounding the error you are getting. I did a quick search on this topic. I hope this will give you a place to start.