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Installscript merge module?

I am looking for a installscript merge module for isscript version, is there a list of available installscript merge modules? Optionally can I built a merge module of the original isscript.msi? It has to be this exact version because the original MSI which I do not want to modify, checks for it.
(3) Replies
Hi There

Hopefully this is what you're looking for

I seem to remember that there was a page on the InstallShield website where all of the merge modules were available, but this looks to have disappeared. (searching for 'Merge Module download' with Google always took me there.)
Thanks for your reaction. I tried this merge module but it didn't work:( any other suggestions are welcome.
I've found the merge module gallary at

for future reference, but it doesn't look like it has what you want.

The only other think I can suggest is reinstalling an old version of AdminStudio which has the correct module.

Sorry that I can't be of more help 😞