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Windows 2000 to Windows XP


In Windows 2000 the default Path Variables WindowsFolder is defined to C:\WINNT.

Now, in Windows XP is different. I need change C:\WINNT to C:\Windows.

I have many MSI's that I need change this configuration.

How I can change this configuration path???

Because when I open the MSI in Adminstudio 6 Tools/Editor, in Installation Designer/Media/Path Variables, the Path Variables don't appear.

Can you help me sove this problem?


Ana Marta
(3) Replies
Morning Ana

From my experience of moving from Windows 2000 to Windows XP, you do not need to do anything ! 😄

The WindowsFolder directory (and the other sub folders like SystemFolder) get evaluate during the installation to the folder where you installed windows. (80% of my applications were originally repackaged on a Windows 2000 PC and have all worked perfectly on Windows XP)

The only thing you have to watch out for are any 'hard coded' references in your packages. I would suggest using the direct editor and searching for C:\WINNT and replacing that with C:\WINDOWS or the WindowsFolder variable.

Hope this helps
I think that the MSI that work in Windows 2000 also work in Windows XP.

I still don't test.

But, if this not work, in Direct Table, don't appear the table with Path Variables.
There is other method???Or other way to solve this?

There is no table of Path Variables in the Direct Editor as these are discoved by the MSI installer during installation.

See the following

I would suggest that you search and replace any references to C:\WINNT in the Direct Editor and then test your applications on a XP computer. (Don't worry if you do not find any references in the tables as it should mean that the package has been correctly built using the various path variables.)