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Installing MDAC2.8 redist causes explorer.exe to hang at 100%, and other logon errors

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have recently repackaged and build a MSI for an older installer application named "Headstart Mathematics".

Part of the original installation routine was to install MDAC 2.7, me thinking "newer = better" removed all of the relavent MDAC information using Repackager and added the MDAC 2.8 redist to the package using InstallShield X Editor (along with COM controls and a few other misc OCX redists).

Upon distribution to a clean (windows 2000 sp2 only) test workstation it apears to work perfectly.
Upon distribution to a fully installed workstation after any user logs in it generates the following errors:
Windows Update:
An error occurred calling "DllRegisterServer" in "C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ADO\msado15.dll". (HRESULT = 80070005)
Then the same, but msador15.dll HRESULT=8002801c
Approximately 5 more errors with different DLLs and different results follow, then explorer.exe will hang at 99% CPU utilization for about 10mins and then continue to desktop and work as normal.

The fully installed workstation has the following software installed:
Acrobat Reader 6.0.1 (Adobe supplied MSI)
Macromedia Flash Player 7.0 (Original MSI)
Office 2000 Pro CD1+2 (Original MSI)
Project 2000 (Original MSI)
QuickTime 6.5 (Custom MSI repackaged from the full download)
Shockwave Player 8.5 (Original MSI)

Have i done something silly/wrong?
(2) Replies
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I have just tried the same with MDAC 2.7 and get the same results, surely i've done something wrong here?
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Another update to my own thread 😮

If i log into the test box as an administrator user, a few post installation routines run and no errors.
I've looked in event log and i've got a whole host of file protection warnings too, i presume thats whats causing the problem.

Does anyone know of a way of using this merge module and deploying the MSI using Active Directory?