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MSP Repackaging??

This is the first time I have encountered an MSP, coming from the software vendor. The package is already an MSI package, so I would rather use Tuner to add our "stuff" to the package, for distribution to our users. I haven't found any documentation which tells me how to introduce the MSP to the Tuner package. Am I missing something simple, or what.

(4) Replies
The patch you're getting will just update an existing installation. Any transform you created for your original install will be applied to your patch as well. At no additional cost 😉

You could also apply the patch during an administrative installation, if you did no deploy the package before.


can anyone help me, with some more information for solving this issue.
Its as Peerke says.. the patch will apply the updates to your existing package so you dont need to\cannot add your corp standards\customisation to a vendor patch..
is it possible to call the patch through custom action in a transform?
if yes, then how?
