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By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Using the Developer within the Admin Studio I loaded up an existing MSI file, made 2 changes to the file (in the properties) and saved it. It was saved as an .ISM file.

How do I install this file? I need to install the original MSI and the changes I made to it that are now in this ISM file. And since it is not a MST file I do not know how to appy it. Do I need to convert it to a MST or can I appy it to the MSI as is?

Thank you.
(6) Replies
What version of Developer are you using? Developer 8 can open existing MSIs in Direct Edit mode, in which changes you make are stored in back into the MSI file; and a conversion mode, which converts the MSI to an ISM. An ISM file is a Developer project file, from which you can build an MSI, but an ISM file can't be deployed.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
It is version 7.04. Can I still do what you suggest?

I don't have a copy of Developer 7 handy, but the direct-edit mode provided by that version showed just the raw MSI tables, and not the nice graphical views; perhaps look at the different options under File > Open for existing MSIs...
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Some more info.

I opened up my MSI in Direct Edit Mode but the properties I need to alter are no where to be found. All I see are tables. I need to delete the Property USERNAME and add the property NOUSERNAME and then get it back into a MSI format.

I have a book on Windows Installer but I can't find the answer in there nor have I found it on-line.

So how do I get this file back into a MSI format with my changes?

Thank you very much.
USERNAME typically isn't placed in the Property table; it's initialized when the setup is launched, just as VersionNT, Version9X, AdminUser, ProgramFilesFolder, and many other properties.

You can therefore just add NOUSERNAME to the Property table, and then just save the MSI file (assuming you're in Direct Edit mode).

If you're not in Direct Edit mode, look up "Building a release" in the Developer online help index.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Yes, I did what you said but I still get prompted with the user name dialog box when I run my application.

This is all still the same problem. I really don't see why it is so complicated to show only 1 dialog box when you run a MSI 🙂

Like I have said before when I run my MSI I see the following dialog boxes.

Install File Location.....
Please Enter User Name.....

I only want to see Please Enter User Name.

Can you or anyone tell me how I do this (without VB Scripting or Perl) ? Or am I up $%#$ creek?
