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Firefox and AdminStudio 10


I am trying to package firefox as an MSI for AD deployment. I am currently able to make a working package. My problem stems from removing old installations before installing my MSI. The old installations of firefox was installed with the firefox .exe installer. This doesn't leave an upgrade code and then leaves me with 2 entries in the Add/Remove Programs of the old 3.6 version and the newer MSI.

Does anyone have any tips on cleaning up previous versions of a program before the MSI starts its installation process? Will this need to be done via custom actions?
(1) Reply
have you tried looking in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall and see if there is an uninstall string?

Also, are the older versions of firefox a per user install? If so, then that could complicates things.
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