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File permissions and cacls

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I'm currently changing permissions for files and folders on my targets systems by using cacls in a custum action in my msi installers.

However - I find the dos box that appears listing what cacls is doing unelegant. Is there any way to make this dos box invisible or make cacls otherwise run in silent mode?

(4) Replies

Have you used the LockPermissions Table? It will allow you to do the same thing - even save you some time. I use that quite a bit to modify the rights of files and folders on a destination machine if required.

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
Trouble with that is that the lockpermissions table doesn't inherit the permissions that the folder would already have.

Frankly, I'm of the opinon that this just makes it dangerous to use, as you never know what the rest of the system might be using...

At least if you get the names of the groups/users in cacls wrong you don't mess up what's already there.


THANKS!!! I will have to start using this!!!
