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FLEXnet Admin Studio SMS edition


I've downloaded and activated Admin studio SMS edition. I know it is a limited version that includes the "Repackeger", "Distribution Wizard", "Tuner" and a very limited "SMS web Console".

My issue is that the "SMS web Console" is so limited that i cant even distibute an application. Reading the "Help" I noticed that I have to add the program to the "application catalog" but due to the restriction of the SMS edition I can't modify, create nor delete an Application Catalog.

On the other hand the "distribution settings" doesn't get saved.

I ask if the SMS web console is just a preview to see its User Interface or does it have some functionality to distribute apps. If so please show me how to use it.

(1) Reply
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
What is the version number of AdminStudio SMS Edition that you are using? We will look into it.

Sandeep Miglani
Macrovision Corporation