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Newbie question regarding software repackagin

I just bought Adminstudio 7.0. Right after that I decided to create Winzip msi package:) I created msi package with repackaging wizard using snapshot method. After that I tried to install msi on machine which had earlier version of winzip installed. After I installed my package I saw that additional winzip shortcut was created on the desktop. I noticed additional entry in add/remove programs section.

So I wanted your advice for the best approach in doing this msi package. All I want some kind of ability to check for the previous installations and completely replace them or uninstall then before doing msi package install. Is this possible at all? Thanks.
(4) Replies
You can uninstall a prevoius version of an application before you run your new setup using the following;

IF Exist C:\program files\{your old application folder}\{your old application}.exe C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /x {6C92f8CDE-4BB8B-46B9-8CD6-DCKJHF2EAAC2} /qb

The IF Exist function checks to see if the old app is installed
Then the windows installer service runs the uninstall of that app using the /x switch.
The string of numbers is the product code of the app you are removing. This can usually be found in the registry under the old app's install keys.
The /qb switch just tells it to run the uninstall unattended with the progress bar visible.

The best way to do this is to create a batch file, add the command line above and then enter your command line to install the new app right after it.
Make sure that the upgrade code of the old version and the new version are same.
Make sure the version number of the new package is higher.
Create an major upgrade item in the new package with the option uninstall old version firt complete

Daan Stam wrote:
Make sure that the upgrade code of the old version and the new version are same.
Make sure the version number of the new package is higher.
Create an major upgrade item in the new package with the option uninstall old version firt complete


So how is this accomplished?
I see that there is a legacy installation of WinZip on a machine and you need to remove this during the installation of a repackaged version. Since WinZip appears in the Add/Remove Programs, you can find the command to uninstall WinZip in its uninstall registry key found in the following location:

You will need to set up a system search to detect the presence of this registry entry and store its data into a MSI property. Then launch the command stored in the property using an EXE custom action to uninstall the legacy installation.
