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Editing an existing "Custom SQL Query Report"


Is it possible to edit the SQL statement of an existing Custom SQL Query Report? If I select Edit from the menu I go straight to "Step 3 of 4: General Information" which inly allows me to set view permissions.

I need to be able to edit the SQL.

Can I get to it via SQL Studio if not via the website?


(2) Replies
Hi Steve;
You can **try** ooking at ams_cviews tables to find the SQL query stored for your custom report. The SQL stored here is what the query engine uses to fetch data. Be careful not to disturb the format of the query otherwise it would render useless in the query engine.
GogiGrewal wrote:
Hi Steve;
You can **try** ooking at ams_cviews tables to find the SQL query stored for your custom report. The SQL stored here is what the query engine uses to fetch data. Be careful not to disturb the format of the query otherwise it would render useless in the query engine.


Thanks. I'd given up on checking the forum as nobody was responding.

Thanks again,
