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Custom SQL query report

Does anyone know if the "Custom SQL query Report" function within the Reporting Center of work flow manager can understand derived tables?

My query makes use of a derived table, and even though the syntax checker states all is OK, running the report produces 0 rows. The query functions perfectly outside the front-end which leads me to think it's a system problem.

(2) Replies
There's a lot of parsing involved with the queries you use for custom SQL reports. Any google search on "SQL Injection" should suggest that a limitation in this feature should be expected--a massively destructive query would be very simple to implement otherwise. Initial implementations of this feature were necessarily somewhat draconian.

What I'd recommend is this: post a use case where your SQL query does not work correctly. If it truly is non-destructive (i.e. ends up being a simple SELECT statement), then the Developers should be able to make appropriate concessions.
Now i am learning this sql so which site is useful for search to get more information behallf of this sql pls send it for me