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Creating Application Catalog via scripts

Using Scripts to Create Application Catalog Databases on SQL Server

KB Article

There doesn't seem to be an updated version of this article to reflect changes in Admin Studio 9.5.

There is no longer a AS_Schema.SQL script. There is an AS_System_Schema.SQL script, is this the replacement?

I need to make a request to the DBA team and I *really* don't want to go back to them and ask them to fix something because my instructions were incorrect.

They pre-created an empty database and gave me "public" permissions to it, but apparently that is not sufficient to let Admin Studio create a catalog or attach to an existing catalog.

I have no access to the SQL machine, so I am stuck in the middle and could really use some help here!
(1) Reply
Flexera Alumni
Hi Paul,

Thanks for the feedback. I will try to update the KB article.

In the meanwhile, ask your DBA to run the following scripts in the same order as they appear here -
Executing SQL Script 'AMS_System_Schema'
Executing SQL Script 'AMSCreateIndex'
Executing SQL Script 'AMS_SamplePackagingTemplate'
Executing SQL Script 'AS_System_Schema'
Executing SQL Script 'Seed_Data'
Executing SQL Script 'CustomReportWizard'

I hope this helps.
