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Catalog upgrade after installing ISAS5 Value Pack1

By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran
I've just installed the Value Pack onto one of my development machines. When I go to reconnect to my (SQL) application catalog, I'm told that the catalog must be upgraded. If I upgrade, will the other developer machines still be able to connect, or will they all need to be upgraded as well?

Thanks in advance for any info.
(3) Replies
If a catalog is upgraded using an x version of AdminStudio, from then onwards that Catalog can be opened by Adminstudio of version x or higher.
Once you upgrade the Application Catalog (this just upgrading the SQL database) the other developer machines still be able to connect to this database.
By Level 11 Flexeran
Level 11 Flexeran

I have now completed my upgrade process and can confirm that Rajesh is accurate when he stats that a catalog upgraded by version x of admin studio can only be accessed adminstudio version >= x

If any InstallShield staff happen to be reading, please note that I would have appreciated knowing that 1) A database upgrade is required during the process of installing the value pack, and 2) that, as a consequence, all my developer workstations have to be upgraded at the same time if they wish to continue using the same shared catalog. If this information is documented somewhere and I've missed it, I apologise for unfairly criticising you, but I did have a look around and didn't see any warnings to this effect.

Anyway, all resolved now, so I'll get back to my packaging. 😉