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App Catalog - Create DB script for DBA team

(I am using Admin Studio 9.5 Enterprise with Virtualization Pack)

I do not have admin access to the sql servers and I need to provide the DBA team the information they need to create the database that Admin Studio uses for the application catalog.

What should I give them so that the installation can succeed?

One more impossible question: I took a huge guess and told them to give me 1TB of sql storage to store 2 or 3 snapshots of the XP desktops in use as well as about 100 "typical" applications (I know there is now such thing). Does 1TB sound like its out to lunch? Do I think I should ask for more?

(2) Replies
Hi again Paul,

1TB sounds like overkill to me, so I think you should be pretty good to go with that much storage. An OS Snapshot and package don't have their data inserted into binary fields of the database--just the metadata that describes the OS or package.

So 100 "average" packages and a few OS snapshots shouldn't take more than a few megabytes of storage. I don't have an exact number to give you, but I wouldn't expect anything out of the order of more than 20mb of space on the DB server.

To use the biggest example I can think of of a production AdminStudio database, it was roughly 9gb in size backed up, with 6000 application requests in Workflow Manager. The application requests had associated packages, so you're probably not looking at much more than a megabyte per package for database growth by my quick and dirty calculations.

And it takes a few years of rather heavy usage to get the database even up to 9gb in size, I can assure you. BUT, 1tb is perhaps a good start for the Software Repository, where all the packages can be stored when you import them into the ConflictSolver database. This is where the full installations go, and so could really use all that space.

For creating the database with scripts, you can tell which scripts run during the catalog creation wizard by just looking at the output:

Executing SQL Script 'AMS_System_Schema'
Executing SQL Script 'AMSCreateIndex'
Executing SQL Script 'AMS_SamplePackagingTemplate'
Executing SQL Script 'AS_System_Schema'
Executing SQL Script 'Seed_Data'
Executing SQL Script 'CustomReportWizard'

Each of these corresponds to *.sql files under:

C:\Program Files\AdminStudio\9.5\Support\SQL_Scripts
Hi Paul,

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Jeroen Braak
Senior Trainer - Consultant

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+31 35 694 8883