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since ‎Jun 25, 2002
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So I add a "Create Folder" action and set it for USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_2 and I also create a subfolder, .topaz. Under .topaz, I get the "do not uninstall" option. However that is not the case for USER_MAGIC_FOLDER_2  When I go to uninstall, I get a warni...
It used to be I could collapse the tree nodes in the preinstall and postinstall screens and it would stay that way for the entire session. Now if I move to another screen and come back, the tree is all expanded again.
I didn't see a way in the doc to know what the user chose in the instance dialog. Inside my install, I have no idea if the user intended to install a new instance or which one to modify.
Since I upgraded to IS2009 I get this warning saying "Virtual Directory has a blank application name" and it won't appear for IIS 7. I actually don't have an application name but since it insists I'll put one in. However, when I attempt to fill somet...
To my surprise, I discovered the GUI action folder is still executed even if we're in console mode and vice versa. The GUI panels are just skipped over, but other actions like "Set IA variables" were being run. That was really screwing me up!I put a ...
Online status:
‎Sep 08, 2023
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