Level 6
since ‎Apr 15, 2019
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  • 75 Posts
  • 4 Solutions
  • 7 Kudos given
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We have a small pilot using Windows 365 Cloud PC in our environment and none of them are reporting user information.  In particular, we do not see the associated calculated user or last logged in user.Does the FlexNet Agent v21.30.726 support Windows...
We need to restrict access to the App Portal web page for a group of users.  We have an AD group create that includes all users we want to have access and excludes the users we don't want to have access. We have followed this KB Managing Catalog Perm...
We are migrating from Remedy to Service Now.  Our current App Portal catalog items have Actions that point to ITSM operations.  Are we able to update those in bulk to point to the Service Now Operations in Actions instead?   I have all the tables and...
We are trying to find out the name of the AD Group(s) per package.  I have this query but it is giving me a GUID for the AD Group.  How do I get the AD Group name?  I can't find the table or view to find that information. SELECT T0.*, T1.PackageTitle...
When will MacOS 13.0 Ventura be supported by Flexera for the FlexNet Inventory Agent?  We have FNMS 2202 R1.  Will it be supported in 2022 R2? If so, do you have a date yet when that will be released? Thanks!
Online status:
‎Oct 01, 2024
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