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IT Visibility - Unable to Display or Export Large Number of Records in Table & CSV


I'm unable to display a large number of records on the Table and cannot schedule an export to CSV.

When trying to display over 60,000 devices on the table, I encounter the error: "TOO MANY DATA POINTS TO DISPLAY, Try applying one or more filters." Additionally, when scheduling an export, I receive the following error: "Report 'ABCDHWData test 06-10-2024' is too large and, as a result, cannot be exported to 'csv' format."

This issue prevents us from displaying or exporting 60,000+  records, making it impossible to handle larger datasets (e.g., an organization with around 100,000 devices) without filtering.

Any suggestions or workarounds to view all devices in the table or export to CSV without applying filters?

Regards, Sasi

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